Hi there! I'm Voyo, 🔐 PGP, a SRE/Platform engineer with a love for technology and a passion for problem-solving.

I'm based in a beautiful European city, and while I appreciate the rich history and culture around me, as an introvert, I find comfort and solace in my personal interests.

Outside of work, my passion for technology extends to my hobbies.

I enjoy learning and experimenting with my homelab, where I explore various automation tools and systems. This not only helps me sharpen my technical skills but also allows me to unwind and have fun while indulging in my curiosity.

Being an introvert, I cherish quiet moments and often find myself diving into books or listening to podcasts on a wide range of topics, from technology to philosophy. I believe that continuous learning and personal growth are essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

Despite my introverted nature, I value communication and collaboration. I actively participate in meetings and discussions to contribute to the growth of the community around me. My educational background in mathematics, informatics, and computer science has helped shape my perspective and approach to problem-solving in various aspects of life.

If you'd like to connect and learn more about me as a person, feel free to reach out. I'm always open to making new friends and exchanging ideas, especially in a comfortable and engaging online environment!

I welcome you to follow this blog. I plan on writing tutorials, share some home lab projects I'm working on and try to get better in blogging. I may write about other aspects of life, too.

Thanks for reading.

Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer